发布时间:2010-11-27   点击:   来源:教师发展中心   发布者:薛红(教研室)


根据每单元的课时划分,一般每单元的教学时间为五课时,老师们往往注重第一课时的教学,即教学BC板块,即从应试教育的角度非常扎实的完成词汇和句型教学,第二课时解决A 板块的课文教学。第三课时则完成DE板块的教学,而DE板块既是对前两个课时的复习,更是承担着培养和提高学生综合语用能力的任务。而在平时教学中很多老师往往忽略了这两个板块的功能,仅仅按照教材的Listen and  write. Read and judge. Read and match.的要求,完成教材规定的教学任务。然后再利用两个课时的时间完成一些书面练习。今天所听到的一节D板块的教学,执教老师由易到难,层层推进,兼顾了双基训练与能力提升,同时也促进了不同层次学生能力的发展。以下是简单的几个教学环节:

Step 1. A: What do you usually do on Sundays/Mondays/Tuesdays…?

B: I usually 动词原形

A: Did you 动词原形 last Sunday/Monday/Tuesday…?

B: Yes,I did./ No,I didnt.

A: What else did you do?

B:I 动词edThat was fun.

A: Wonderful.

Step 2. 通过“概念图”帮助学生Retell the dialogue:

It was the National Day holiday last week. Nancy watched a film with her parents. It was a funny cartoon. She liked it very much. Helen visited a farm on Monday and Tuesday. She watered trees and pulled up carrots on Monday. On Tuesday, she milked cows. That was fun. She collected eggs, too. There were some fruit trees on the farm. Helen and her family picked a lot of oranges and tasted them. They had a good time.

(我的建议:再复述课文内容的基础上,教学还可以结合学生的生活实际,进行语段的表达:What did you do last National Day holiday? Can you say something about your National Day holiday? 通过Pair work Group work让学生自主表达。)

Step 3. 通过整体感知、逐个突破新语言点展开D板块对话的教学。

(我的建议:对于语言基础比较好的班级,可以把这段对话改编成短文,给学生提供必要的语言支架:Last Sunday, Yang Ling ,Su Hai, Su Yang, Gao Shan, Liu Tao and Ben visited Liu Tao’s grandparents. They live in________________________. They have _______________ house. They were very glad to see us. Liu Tao’s grandpa showed us _________________________.  His grandma _________________ . We liked the food very much. In the morning, we _______________________ . In the afternoon, we_______________________ . Su Hai, Su Yang and Ben___________________ . Liu Tao, Gao Shan and I____________________ . We worked for_______________ .We were tired, but we had a really good time.)

Step 4. 落实笔头训练。

It was Teachers Day l________ Saturday. Liu Tao, Gao Shan, Wang Bing and Gao Yun w_________ to visit their teacher  Miss Wang. Miss Wang was their  Chinese teacher five years a_______. She is fifty-years old and she does not w________ now. She was very glad to see them. They t________ about their new class and new teachers.

(我的建议:在设计读写训练时,一方面要考虑到学生先前学习中的易错的语言点,还应该结合本课的新的语言点。例如,在这段话中,我们可以增加:We talked for about two hours.We had a really good time. 语言只有在不断地重复中才能加深学生的印象,像这样的句子We talked for about two hours.整个教材中就此出现一次,像really这个四会单词,平时教学师生交流中也很少用到,They have a really nice house. We had a really good time.

